Actuarial Science | Statistics | Computational Mathematics | Applied Mathematics | General Mathematics | Schematic
Actuarial Science
CT1 Financial Mathematics
- Cashflow models
- Time value of money
- Interest rates
- Real and money interest rates
- Discounting and accumulating
- Level annuities
- Deferred and increasing annuities
- Equations of value
- Loan schedules
- Project appraisal
- Investments
- Elementary compound interest problems
- Arbitrage and forward contracts
- Term structure of interest rates
- Stochastic interest rate models
CT2 Finance and Financial Reporting
- Key principles of finance
- Company ownership
- Taxation
- Financial instruments
- Use of derivatives
- Issues of shares
- Introduction to accounts
- The main accounts
- Depreciation and reserves
- Generating accounts
- Group accounts and insurance company accounts
- Interpretation of accounts
- Limitation of accounts
- Financial institutions
- Weighted average cost of capital
- Capital structure and dividend policy
- Capital project appraisal
CT4 Models
- Principles of actuarial modelling
- Stochastic processes
- Markov chains
- Two-state Markov model
- Time-homogeneous Markov jump processes
- Time-inhomogeneous Markov jump processes
- Survival models
- Estimating the lifetime distribution function
- Cox regression model
- Binomial and Poisson models
- Exposed to risk
- Graduation and statistical tests
- Methods of graduation
CT5 Contingencies
- Life assurance contracts
- Life annuity contracts
- The life table
- Evaluation of assurances and annuities
- Net premiums and reserves
- Variable benefits and with-profit policies
- Gross premium and reserves
- Annuities and assurances with two lives
- Contingent and reversionary benefits
- Profit testing
- Determining reserves using profit testing
- Competing risks
- Multiple decrement tables
- Pension funds
- Mortality, selection, and standardisation
CT6 Statistical Methods
- Decision theory
- Bayesian statistics
- Loss distributions
- Reinsurance
- Credibility theory
- Empirical Bayes credibility theory
- Risk models
- Ruin theory
- Generalised linear models
- Run-off triangles
- Time series
CT7 Business Economics
- Economic concepts
- Demand and supply
- Elasticity and uncertainty
- Consumer demand and uncertainty
- Production and costs
- Revenue and profit
- Perfect competition and monopoly
- Imperfect competition
- Products, marketing and advertising
- Growth strategy
- Pricing strategies
- Government intervention in markets
- Government and the firm
- Supply-side policy
- International trade
- Balance of payments and exchange rates
- The macroeconomic environment
- Money and interest rates
- Business activity, unemployment and inflation
- Demand-side macroeconomic policy
CT8 Financial Economics
- Efficient markets hypothesis
- Utility theory and stochastic dominance
- Measures of investment risk
- Portfolio theory
- Models of asset returns
- Asset pricing models
- Brownian motion and martingales
- Stochastic calculus and ItĂ´ processes
- Stochastic models of security prices
- Introduction to the valuation of derivative securities
- The Greeks
- The binomial model
- The Black-Scholes option pricing formula
- The 5-step method in discrete time
- The 5-step method in continuous time
- The term structure of interest rates
- Credit risk
ACST831 Actuarial Control Cycle 1
- Overview of control cycle
- Enterprise risk management
- Context of actuarial work
- Assets
- Product design
- Modelling
- The need for capital
- Pricing
- Regulation
- Meeting consumers’ needs
ACST832 Actuarial Control Cycle 2
- Valuing liabilities
- Profit
- Monitoring experience
- Solvency
- Regal & Occidental case study
- Responding to experience
- Applying risk management
- Professionalism
ACST871 Investment management
- Elements of investing
- Investment theory
- Debt securities
- Equity and property
- Derivatives
- Investment management
- Alternatives and hedge funds
- Asset liability modelling
- Wealth management
- Setting investment strategy
- Implementing investment strategy
- Investment governance
- Roles of actuaries
MAB101 Statistical Data Analysis 1
- Collecting, analysing and presenting data
- Data features, summary statistics, estimation and parameters
- Categorical data and proportions: Estimating proportions; testing sets of proportions; testing independence of categorical variables
- Introduction to the analysis of continuous data: Continuous data; revision of normal distribution; interval estimates of a proportion
- Analysis of variance (ANOVA): investigating if and how a continuous variable is affected by categorical variables
- Regression analysis: investigating relationships between categorical variables
- Interval estimation: behaviour of sample mean; confidence intervals for means and mean differences; tolerance intervals; prediction intervals
- Hypothesis testing: testing hypotheses about means, proportions and variances in one or two samples
MAB210 Statistical Modelling 1
- Events and probability; modelling and assigning probabilities in simple situations
- Independence and conditional probability
- Problem-solving using independence and conditional probability
- Introduction to Markov chains
- Random variables and distributions
- Special discrete distributions: binomial, geometric, negative binomial, Poisson
- Special continuous distributions: uniform, exponential, normal; Central Limit Theorem
- Goodness-of-fit
- Introduction to queues
- Introduction to dependent and independent random variables
MAB314 Statistical Modelling 2
- Markov chains
- Simple random walk
- Generating functions
- Branching processes
- Introduction to Markov processes (continuous time); birth and death processes; queues
- Transformations of random variables
- Special distribution results from the use of moment generating functions and transformations
- Use of probability transformation; order statistics; approximations to moments
Computational Mathematics
MAB112 Linear Algebra
MAB312 Linear Algebra
- Systems of linear equations and matrix algebra
- Vector spaces
- Inner product spaces
MAB220 Computational Mathematics 1
- Errors; floating point arithmetic; nested multiplication
- Roots of nonlinear functions
- Solutions of linear systems
- Interpolation
- Differentiation and integration
- Ordinary differential equations
MAB420 Computational Mathematics 2
- Direct methods for linear systems
- Data structures and algorithms for structured linear systems
- Norms
- Iterative methods for linear systems
- Iterative methods for the eigenvalue problem
MAB480 Introduction to Scientific Computation
- Designing a web search engine
- Fractals: visualising the Mandelbrot set
- Curve fitting
- LaTeX for mathematics documentation
- Stochastic simulation of an epidemic
- Genetic resistance
- A GUI for random sampling
- Valuing share options
- Modelling extinction risk of mallee fowl
MAB522 Computational Mathematics 3
- Introduction to computational fluid dynamics
- The finite volume method
- Nonlinear systems
MAN771 Computational Mathematics 4
- An introduction to Krylov subspace methods
- Newton methods
- Finite Volume Model for advection-diffusion equations
- Extension of FVM to two dimensions; arbitrary grids; treatment of nonlinearity
- Unconstrained optimisation
- Constrained optimisation
Applied Mathematics
MAB111 Calculus and Differential Equations
MAB311 Advanced Calculus
- Functions of several variables: Graphical representations
- Functions of several variables: Limits and continuity
- Partial derivatives
- Linearisation, differentiability and differentials
- Gradients and directional derivatives
- Implicit differentiation and Taylor series approximations
- Extreme values for functions of several variables
- Double integrals
- Triple integrals
- Fourier series
MAB521 Applied Maths 3
- Vector calculus
- Partial differential equations of applied mathematics
- The heat equation
- The wave equation
- Laurent series
MAB413 Differential Equations
- Posedness
- First-order techniques
- Exact equations
- Solving homogeneous DEs
- Variation of parameters
- Cauchy-Euler equations
- Series solutions
- Laplace transforms
- Systems of linear differential equations
MAB422 Mathematical Modelling
- Introduction to mathematical modelling
- Modelling a school influenza epidemic
- Analysis of the SIR model
- Predator-prey and competing species
- Null-cline and phase plane analysis
- Heating and cooling problems
- Heat loss through a wall
- Cooling a computer chip
- Insulating a water pipe
- Spontaneous combustion
- Measles vaccination in NZ
- Compartment models
- Models of populations of species with separate generations
MAB613 Partial Differential Equations
- Derivation of partial differential equations of mathematical physics
- Fourier series
- Separation of variables
- Sturm-Liouville systems
- Solution of homogeneous problems by separation of variables
- Finite Fourier transforms and nonhomogeneous problems
- Moving-boundary problems
MAB672 Advanced Mathematical Modelling
- Introduction to ODE modelling
- Nonlinear ODE analysis
- Limit cycles and bifurcations
- Introduction to modelling with PDEs
- Travelling waves and PDEs
- Analytic solutions of PDEs
- Introduction to cellular automata
MAN774 Perturbation Methods
- Introduction to perturbation expansions
- Asymptotics
- Strained coordinates
- Practical applications
MAN201 Stochastic Modelling and Simulation for the Life Sciences
- Law of Mass Action
- Transporters and pumps
- Model simplification
- Continuous-time Markov chains
- Stochastic chemistry
- Stochastic differential equations
- Spatial modelling
- Towards multiscale simulation
MAN764 Numerical Biology
- Case study: Lemmings
- Case study: Nerve impulses
- Case study: Cells
MAN717 Non-Linear Differential Equations
- First-order non-linear differential equations
- Singularity theory with a distinguished parameter
- Second-order differential equations: steady-state solutions and their stability
- Second-order differential equations: the absence of periodic solutions
- Second-order differential equations: two simple applications
- Second-order differential equations: periodic behaviour
- Degenerate Hopf bifurcations
General Mathematics
MAB315 Operations Research 2
- Transportation problems
- Linear programming problems
- Simplex method
- Big M method
- Sensitivity analysis
- Duality in linear programming
- Project scheduling: CPM and Gantt charts
- Project scheduling: PERT
MAB461 Discrete Mathematics
- Counting techniques
- Basic set theory
- Properties of the integers
- Relations and functions
- The principle of inclusion-exclusion
- Generating functions
- Relations revisited
- Rings and modular arithmetic
- Polynomial rings and fields
EFB210 Finance 1
- Introduction to debt and equity
- Financial mathematics
- Valuation and security analysis
- Investments as random variables
- The two-period perfect certainty model
- Introduction to capital budgeting
- Introduction to portfolio theory and CAPM
- Weighted average cost of capital
- Efficient markets hypothesis
- Derivatives
MAB313 Mathematics of Finance
- Interest rates
- Equations of value
- Amortisation schedules
- Annuities
- The money market
- The bond or fixed interest market
INB104 Building IT Systems
- Introduction to Python
- Life cycle of a system; algorithms and stepwise refinement; functions; parameters
- Boolean-valued expressions; Boolean operators; conditional statement
- Iteration
- Recursion
- Database concepts
- Networks, the internet, web servers, protocols, HTML, file input/output
- Functional decomposition
- Abstract types and objects